therapeutic tools

therapeutic tools


Kinesiology is a set of therapeutic methods to enhance or restore balance and vitality of a person on the physical, emotional, mental, or energy. These methods have been developed by different researchers in the 1960s, each with its own orientation:
The Touch for Health concerns rather the physical, The Brain Gym, improved mental performance for learning and stress management, 3 1 Concepts in relation emotionally. Others relate all these plans at a time.
These methods have in common the use of neuromuscular testing as part of a research tool needed to ensure awareness or equilibration.
The techniques they use are either specific to kinesiology, or borrowed from Chinese, Ayurvedic, chiropraxtique or NLP, positive visualization etc.

Kinesiology is an approach that takes into account the whole person without judgment with respect for the beliefs and culture of each. It is suitable for all ages, from baby to adult.

I trained in the following Kinesiology techniques:

  • Muscle Test précision
  • Health by Touch (SPT / TFH)
  • Brain Gym 1,2,3 and Edu-Kinésiology
  • One Brain
  • Kinesiology perinatal
  • Kinesiology fundamental



The Metakinebiology® assumes a symptom (physical, emotional, behavioral) is the visible result of an attempt by the body to face a danger threatening the physical or psychological survival of the individual.

A symptom always has a good reason for having implemented and if the stress at the source was never raises awareness or the felt could never be met, a block-symptom can be set up .

The Métakinébiology® is an educational practice of self-knowledge, and stress management method. It allows a deep and sympathetic understanding of the being and the logic of its symptoms.

  • It enables the reception of gaps, fears or unacknowledged suffering in gentleness and respect.
  • It is an information search tool, discovery of elements essential for setting consciousness, which passes through the body, leading to the release of blockages.

Greek « beyond. » It involves a comprehensive view of the human being, without judgment and in compliance with all his being.

The Métakinébiology® integrates testing neuromuscular and concepts of kinesiology.

The most recent discoveries of psychosomatic are taken into effect to optimize the physical, emotional and mental of the individual.

What allows Métakinebiology®?

It provides access extremely quickly to conscious memory, subconscious, unconscious, cellular and holographic body through testing neuromuscular precision. The testing neuromuscular used in Métakinébiologie® gives an indication of a state of stress related to the topic discussed during the session.

This knowledge is not external to the individual, but is called from within by « immediate felt » provided by the neuromuscular testing. Through testing, it is not the conscious mind is expressed, but the body-brain system unconscious person.

  • It provides access to the « moments » of programmants mechanisms or triggers difficulties. It can reveal the specific character of an event, the coloring of a situation.
  • It provides access to emotions, feelings. It accompanies the rise of buried memories.
  • It allows the realization of emotional blocks and support for their release.
  • It allows rebalancing the cellular level of psycho-cerebro-organic system.

The Métakinebiologie® was developed by Philippe Bertholon.


Biological decoding /psychosomatic

Everything that happens in our body is at any time controlled and managed by the physiological brain. He is constantly informed about what is happening around us (five senses) and us (proprioception). The brain processes at every moment all this information by comparing all the data that was recorded before.

In a situation of stress, it will « out » behavior or the most appropriate response to our survival. Indeed, our brain is programmed to keep us alive and keep our species alive as long as possible.

Like humans, since its appearance, there are more than 2 million years has lived mainly in nature, the physiological brain is designed to survive in such an environment. Therefore, the brain will interpret any « stress disorder » as a « real natural hazard, potentially deadly » lack of water, predator, rejection from the clan … and will trigger behavioral or physical reactions survival connection with the archaic hazard to stress.

A sudden noise made us jump. Archaic related stress sudden noise is, for example: fear of an attack from a predator. The physiological reaction is an adrenaline rush to have the energy to escape or confrontation. False alarm or lockout: drop of adrenaline.

The problem arises when the cause of stress does not go away and causes a constant stress. In the example above, this would imply that the production of adrenaline does not stop. This imbalance would eventually cause disastrous side effects to health.

In humans, the stress that is not resolved occurs when the danger is not real, but old or symbolic.

  • Old: he was experienced in childhood or a family member
  • Symbolic: a modern situation is analyzed archaic way.

Example: a situation that can not digest. The brain analyzes this as a real piece of food to digest. It will act as if we had a real digestive problem. If we do not digest this, the physiological response of the brain can become pathological over time as excessive and inappropriate.
Therefore, if the stress of life does not go down, they can trigger a behavioral pattern or pathology.

The objective of the biological decoding is to find the scheduwing situation and decipher the visceral fear induced to understand the logic of the symptom that follows.
Release of stress can then be used to find physical balance.

In no case, the patient must give medical treatment in favor of the biological decoding. Biological decoding must be considered as an accompaniment.


Allergies are the brain’s alarm system, set up at a key moment in our life, so we avoid reliving the pain and the danger associated with such a situation.
Allergies can disappear from one day to the next if the danger they signal could be identified and integrated.


Perinatal kinesiology

9 months of pregnancy and the passage of birth are extremely important for the child biopsychic construction and will have a great influence on his way of understanding and managing his life.

Perinatal Kinesiology addresses these two periods to identify the stress that may have been recorded by the fetus and baby.

How the fetus you it lived and interpreted the events and feelings of its environment? 

How the conditions of his birth influence you it in his daily life?
Setting consciousness frees up development process remained blocked at this time of life.


Brain Gym

Brain Gym is a fun technique to teach the brain to work optimally. 

For any learning activity or fine motor skills, the brain has to work with both hemispheres at once. If the exchange between the hemispheres is not done smoothly, activities such as reading, writing, arithmetic are embarrassed. 

The main cause is the stress that is blocking the connection between the two hemispheres: stress test, a conference, but also stress the oldest in the history of life and family. 

Brain Gym offers simple, playful movements coordination, stretching and massage meridian points, especially effective for improving the exchange of information between different parts of the brain and reduce stress. 

These movements, practiced regularly, enable the development of more neural networks between the two hemisphere and reconnect the entire brain even in a source of stress situation in normal times.


Neuromuscular testing

Neuromuscular testing is a tool that can detect stress recorded at the cellular level. 

Stress unresolved traumatic events continues to act imperceptibly in muscle, as if the body was defending himself whenever he was in the presence of one of the elements associated with the trauma. 

If, for example, a symptom associated with trauma of birth, when the therapist evoke birth, the muscles will be reacted. You will feel if at that time, the therapist exerts gentle pressure on a muscle. This muscle after going sometimes a reaction (jerks, tremors) will be sub-energy and a low pressure will drop. 

This search tool allows to test hypotheses and quick access to the understanding of elements of difficulty. As it passes through the body, it can be traced back to consciousness the feelings buried. 

His practice is simple and fast. The results are clear, precise and explicit. They are experienced by the patient allowing it to take full part in the process and become full actor of his « healing. »

For more information: 
Biologically, in a secure environment, it is with our conscious mind, we decide our movements, that is to say, the state of our muscles. 

In a stressful environment, it is the unconscious physiological brain takes over with a reflex system that dictates their condition to the muscles. It bypasses the order given by the mind. This in an instant reaction goal for survival. 

Indeed, if, in a climate of sudden danger and imminent, brain left the info go to the mental and consciously be analyzed, the more microseconds would be our downfall … 

The brain reflex has two alternatives for acting on muscles

  • give an over-power to escape or attack 
  •  inhibit the muscle 

These reactions occur naturally every day without necessarily whether we are aware of. In session, we test muscle response related information by simply pressing on the arm. Muscle response provides an indication of a state of stress (over-reaction or inhibition) or non-stress (no reaction) in relation to the topic discussed during a session.



Family communication and children conflicts

The following resources are available to live a harmonious family life and relationships with its less stressful and more rewarding children, less shouting, less conflict. These are not treaties education (everyone can keep their own values) but tools for better communication and mutual respect.

Effective parents, another listening to the child by Dr. Thomas Gordon

The Bible of the win-win method. How to get referrals in which most of us have grown up, ie either the parent and the child loses wins (authoritarian method) or the child and the parent loses wins (permissive method). In 2 cases, the needs of a party are not taken into account and this generates a lot of frustration and anger. The method without losing or « win-win » in English allows everyone’s needs are taken into account.

Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson

To practice « win-win » method must have integrated the human has a range of basic needs (in addition to the body’s needs) that are non-negotiable. If you want to know the specific needs of not reading this book. We find the list in books or nonviolent communication sites.

This book deals with one of nonviolent communication within the family and in my personal journey, it made me aware of my non-negotiable needs of my right to act so that they are filled and the fact that it is possible to do so without overwriting each other. This latest concept is developed in the other books listed here.

How to talk so Kids will listen & Listen so Kids will talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

In the same vein as effective parents but written by two moms from theory to practice in their family. A book which describes the skills, tools and empty concrete sentences for a more harmonious family life, bringing the reader thinking to deeply integrate these skills why working and to allow a change of inner attitude.

How to be the parent you always wanted to be by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlich

The summary of skills and tools described in Talk So Kids Will Listen. Very handy to have on hand.
A good complement to effective parents because it gives tools and empty concrete phrases to use.

  • Dealing with strong emotions of your children
  • Set firm limits while maintaining a climate of openness
  • Expressing your anger without hurting
  • Encourage the desire to cooperate in your children
  • Resolve family conflicts in a peaceful atmosphere
  • Use alternatives to punishment

Liberated parents / Liberated children, your guide to a happier family by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlich

Funny, interesting and which frees from guilt. The story of two mothers who learn to use their new skills.
Their failures, their doubts, their wonder and cases of children and families that identify situations that we thought were the only ones living.

Siblings without rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlich

  • Helping children to express their feelings to others without harming
  • Being just without also giving
  • Promote cooperation rather than competition
  • Assist « executioners » and « victims »
  • Reduce anger and motivate brothers and sister conflict in finding solutions to their problems


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